Saturday 18 October 2008

Gifts from God

I have a second to reflect this morning as Summer got up too early and has gone back to bed ( for how long I do not know).
I have been happily plodding through the week, giving little thought to the things that have been provided the last few weeks, some seem really small, but all I believe are answers to prayer.

1) Summers Physio. We are getting a new one in Jan and I am getting weekly sessions for a while, both of which I really wanted but did not think we would get!
2)Our Drs surgery which we had some issues with including access has now got sliding doors and the really nice christian docter has returned to work.
3) We really needed a new car to fit a double buggy in but could not really afford to replace ours. At church one was advertised which should be perfect for us!
4) With the car, we now have an off road double buggy, which is HUGE, but should make pushing Summer when she is bigger so much easier.

All little things, i know, but all of them we had prayed about and have been provided.

"Ask and you shall recieve"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kathy for that thought (I assume its you Kathy that has written this - I never really know!). I have just been meditating in my lunch hour at work (as it's raining outside and I can't go for a walk)and thinking about the need to pray for things (could be quite small) and then really believe that God will answer them. It's really so simple and yet I'm so reluctant to do it. Maybe it's my scientific background that gets in the way. Anyway thanks for the confirmation of what I was thinking. I always enjoy reading your blogg.

God Bless,

P.S. How's Nic's new job.