Monday 11 June 2007

Back to work

It was my first day alone with Summer today, as Nic finally had to go back to work after five weeks of. I think he found it quite hard. Summer at the moment is such a good baby, she sleeps loads and wakes for food, has a look around and then sleeps again! I am sure this will change, but its nice at the moment.

If I am honest I am finding it all quite hard, I know every new mum probably feels anxious and worried for their child and I try and remember that, but being out and seeing other children is hard, what is the future for Summer, how can I as her mum try and protect her from the hard things that may happen? The answer is that I cannot and all it does is cause me anxiety. What I have to remember and constantly remind myself is that she is in Gods hands and they are much safer than mine.

“ Cast all your anxieties on him because he cares for you” 1 Peter 5


Anonymous said...

God chose you as Summers parent because he know's that you can cope and that you will give her all the love and support through both good and difficult times. And when you feel that it is to hard he will be there to love and support you. His hands are safe but so are your's because he is always with you.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you had to go back to work Nic. I'm afraid I can't comprehend that idea any more as it feels like I've retired now I've moved up here! Anyway, good luck to you, Kathy and Summer. See you some time soon...
Rob your ex-neighbour now in the frozen north

Unknown said...

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29.11
"I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness." Jeremiah 31.3
May the Lord who has plans for you and for little Summer surround you with His love today, His love eternal and strong.
We are praying for you and will continue.
Brad and Tina

Anonymous said...

What a testimony to God you guys have - and will continue to have!! Just think of the things you and Summer will be able to say about her early years - the friends, the prayers, the support (oh and God of course!). Yes the future will be difficult at times - praise God it'll not be boring! You will have your rubbish days, and then you'll have such brilliant ones, where Summer will just make you laugh. You will be able to cope, God will provide you with the strength & grace (excellent choice of name)! to get through. And there's no harm in asking for help either! That's what we're all here for - even if it is just making a cup of tea or an ear to listen to you have a grumble!
Keep going Kathy - dont give up - there's so many adventures to be had on the way!

All my love Hannah Q

Anonymous said...

You are not alone and as a parent I imagine natural to be anxious about your child - as I understand it, that never really goes away. But praise the Lord that we have the knowledge that He is watching over us as parents and children. Cling on to that knowledge Kathy! He knows all your thoughts!
And hope Nic is coping back at work.

God bless you all and big kisses

Jo, Simon and bump

Anonymous said...

Dear Kathy and Nic,
You have one beautiful daughter.The person who wrote that God chose you as Summers parents is absolutely right, and Summer is so foutunate to have you as her parents. Kathy as people have said it is scary having a baby at the best of times despite a little one with a dissibility but each day brings something new and wonderful and as you hold them in your arms and look into their eyes they will give you strength. God loves little Summer so much and he delights in her, and he has so much planned for you as a family. Keep your eyes on Jesus and when the dark days/hours are with you he will hold you both and give you all that is needed, don't strive just rest in him. Thank goodness we have a God that can take our pain, frustration, fear and why Lord.
God bless you all and lots of love and kisses for Summer.